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Friday 24 February 2012

Tabloid Sports Day

Today we had a wonderful time playing all sorts of games at our Tabloid Sports day. There were lots of seniors being good role models to the small kids. Well done! What did you enjoy the most about Tabloid sports and why? Did you help anyone else out during the games?

Thursday 23 February 2012

I can not wait until tablouds tommorow, it will be a job and a half taking care of the little kids tomorow but it will be awesome !!! Go ,Takahe go,go!!!!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Tabloid Sports are on Friday!

On Friday we are having Tabloid sports day! All the senior kids need to be responsible and reliable because the teams will all have junior children in them. How are you going to be a good role model on Friday?

Monday 20 February 2012

Camp Activities

This is one of the camp groups doing the low ropes! We did lots of amazing things. What was your favourtie activity and why?

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Camp is coming!

Yes! Sunday is coming up and that is when we are going on camp. Our class cannot wait, we are so excited! What part of camp are you looking forward to the most and why?

Thursday 2 February 2012

Day 2 in Miro 13!

Check out our awesome class! Miro 13 is picture perfect! It was really freaky when we entered Miro 13 on the first day but now we are settled in and have been having an amazing first 2 days! We are looking forward to this year because we know it will be fun!