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Friday 24 February 2012

Tabloid Sports Day

Today we had a wonderful time playing all sorts of games at our Tabloid Sports day. There were lots of seniors being good role models to the small kids. Well done! What did you enjoy the most about Tabloid sports and why? Did you help anyone else out during the games?


  1. Tabloids was so fun with all the sports and stuff.

  2. Look there's me! I look FABULOUS. I had so much fun!

  3. Hannah looks FABULOUS!!!I had so much fun today at Tabloids!

  4. I had so much fun leading a group and I hope they had fun being with me. I helped out all the little kids by cheering and running along side them. My favourite activity was hurdles and over and under. I tried to make the most of it since this is my last year in primary.

  5. I enjoyed over and under because it was funny seeing what other people came up with. I also enjoyed hurdles because we had to do it running,hopping and skipping.So I had lots of fun I actually enjoyed all of them but I only picked my to favourite.

  6. My favourite game was the obsticles course you got to add your own movement to it.

  7. Tabloids was so fun but my favourite was the obstacle course because nearly at the end you got to make your own creative way of over and the obstacles.Sent from my kindle.

  8. Tabloids was so fun! I really liked the Obstacle course.

    1. P.S I really liked the one when you throw the Basket ball through the hop!

  9. Tabloids was a great experience for everyone including because I lead a group!!! The best group in Tabloids was KAKAPO #4. (because I lead it!) Congratulations KOTUKU for claiming victory of the 2012 Tabloids whanau trophy. Everybody put in a great effort and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did!!!

  10. What a thoughtful comment you have written Dannii! You are really showing a 'fairplay' attitude. I really enjoyed Tabloids as well it was wonderful to see everyone being so supportive of each other!

  11. I really enjoyed the 3 legged race because I didnt fall over and it was easy to pack up. I helped out by running our team when our team leader had to do jobs.

  12. I liked the obstical course the best because we got to create anything at all with the obsticals. There was a bench and I did a forwards role, there was a desk and I jumped over it, there was a chair and I kicked it over and finally there was a hoola hoop and I swung it in the air.Mrs Stanchel then told us to do it again but in gymnastics so on the bench I did a cartwheel on the desk I went on it and jumped off it then on the chair I went under it and at the hoola hoop I did a hand stand. I helped the little kids by guiding them the way and being a reliable and responsible leader.

  13. KAKAPO came 4# go green green green.

  14. I loved the obstacle course because you got to make up your own awesome moves! I can't wait till the next one!

  15. I tried my best in every thing
