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Monday 20 February 2012

Camp Activities

This is one of the camp groups doing the low ropes! We did lots of amazing things. What was your favourtie activity and why?


  1. My favourite activity at camp was abseiling because I went first and I had to lean back into mid air just holding on to a rope.I had to abseil down a bumpy, high rock.The thing that scared me the most was when I had to let go of the rope because no one trusted Dominic the guy who was instructing it.Camp was the best!!!

  2. My favourite activity at camp was high ropes. It was so scary but fun.I liked the log the best because we got to do five press ups. Camp was so awesome!!!

  3. My favourite activity was the High Ropes even though they were scary .

  4. my favourite thing was mountain biking even though I fell down. It was a difficult thing at first but then it was easy, it was a
    fun ride!

  5. My favourate activity at camp was the flying kiwi because i flew up into the air and it was extremely fun.

  6. My favourite thing was abseiling because it was a good challenge for me. it was fun when we got to do the jumping on the rock and letting the rope down. Camp was super fun I loved camp!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. My favourite activitiy was the waterslide it was really fun.I got rope burn on my hand because I kept slipping with the water when Hannah and I were waiting for Mrs Charleston to say GO! Camp was really fun and Awesome!So I really hope there is going to be just as fun in the future camps than tui ridge park year 6 2012!

  8. My favorite activity was Burma trail because it was really freaky and very dark. Camp was really fun and exciting. I had a great time. I want to go back there some day.

  9. My favourite activity at camp was by far the flying kiwi because I soared through the air and span round and round. It was funny watching Rebekah because she did two forward flips on the flying kiwi. I would love to go back to Tui Ridge camp again because it was really cool.

  10. I hope everybody enjoyed camp as much as I did.

  11. My favourite activity was the High Ropes because they were so high and freaky!

  12. One of my favourite activities was flying kiwi because you got to fly through the air and I loved how we got spun around a lot. I really hope I get to go to Tui Ridge again.

  13. I had two favorites, flying fox and mountain biking. Flying fox because it was 200m long and 20m high and mountain biking because we went over big bumps!

  14. my favourite activite was high ropes because I was so high up it looked scarey at first because it so high up but it was so fun.

  15. My favourite activity was the mountain biking because it was muddy!!!

  16. My favourite activity at camp was the slippery, and muddy mountain biking, it was very fun but we had to have a can do attitude!

  17. My favourite activity was Archery, because I had so much fun!

  18. My favourite activity was camping out because I liked sleeping out in the ten!!!!

  19. I loved all of the activities because they were all exciting and so fun.

  20. My other favourite thing was flying fox because we got to fly through air.

  21. My favourite activity was the Flying Kiwi because we were going straight up and sometimes we went round and round. It felt like we were flying!

  22. I really liked the flying fox and the flying kiwi too!

  23. I also enjoyed the water slide. I raced all my friends and had so much fun.
