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Friday, 25 May 2012

Reducing, Reusing and Recycling in Raglan

On Thursday the 24th May 2012 we all arrived at school at 8am sharp. We were off to Raglan for the day to find out about how to reduce, reuse and recycle our waste. We were put into different groups to go to different places around Raglan. We picked up rubbish on the beach, went to the XtremeWaste Recycling centre, walked around town looking for things that had been reused and went to visit an artist called Chris Meek that reuses things to make his creations. We all especially enjoyed visiting the artist and going to the Waste centre. There were lots of things to see and learn about.


  1. Going to Raglan was fun I liked the artist best.

  2. At the waste centre there were worm farms there was a shop and there were lots of cans, Milk bottles, bottles and glass bottles containers.

  3. I had so much fun I loved looking at what Raglan was doing to make the place a rubbish free zone.

  4. It was very smelly but really fun! I think Raglan is totally a rubbish free zone!

  5. That was really fun seeing all the stuff that can be reused it was really interesting as well as seeing all the stuff that can be reused.

  6. My favourite part was going around town taking photos with Maddy's mums phone.I cant believe that we were so close to not going.It was a wonderful experience.

  7. My favourite part was the artist.!!!!!!!!!!
