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Friday 2 March 2012

A Day of Racing!

We felt a bit nervous getting on the bus to go to Swimming Sports. Butterflies were brewing in our tummies. As soon as we got changed we were ready to get into the pool. The water was nice and calm when we started.
As the buzzer rang we all sped off the block. Our Whanaus were all doing our chants and cheering us on. We kicked our legs as fast as we could to get to the end. We all tried our very best for the whole day. Miro 13 students did very well and our teacher was very proud of all our achievements.
We yelled our chants in triumph at the end of the day because we had all been successful.

Miro 13 also came 3rd in the class relays. GO TEAM MIRO 13!!

Fun + water = Swimming Sports!

What was your favourite part of the day and why?


  1. Swimming sports was so cool! The pool was so warm and I wish our school pool was like that.

  2. When i got out after the races and got told I did well.

  3. I liked doing freestyle because it is my favourite stroke. I also like swimming sports because Oliver came to my house afterwards!

  4. I like the swmming sports because I liked noncompetitive swimming. go kotuku!!

  5. My favorite thing at swimming sports was doing all the races but the best was going to Blake's house afterwards!
