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Monday 19 March 2012


We love using our BLOG and we thought that we needed to come up with some ideas about how we should be using it. We started this work at  home and then finished it at school. Here are the ideas we had as a class.

This is our Brainstorm of what we thought should be added to our BLOG rules. We did this for homework and then shared our ideas together!
Next we decided to priortise our ideas so that the ideas we thought were most important were put at the top of our chart. Some of our ideas were similar to others and we had a lot discussion about what we thought about where the ideas should be!


  1. It was hard I didn't even finish! But it was still quite fun!

  2. I love these cool colurs it's amazing. I never noticed how well our class can co-operate together it's awesome.

  3. I totally agree on these blog rules. We will now probably try our best to follow the rules. I really enjoyed making the rules it made me think about how we were behaving. I am thinking that the rules are sort of like a blog treaty.

  4. I totally agree to these rules to use on our blog!
