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Thursday 29 March 2012

Let's get Physical!

Huff and puff was the aim for our session today with Michelle and Diane from Project Energize. We played a game called snatch the tail first. We had to snatch peoples tails off and the last person who had their tail left won the game. We also played bulldozers and builders where we had to turn the cones upside down if you were a bulldozer and turn them up the right way if you were a builder. It was really fun and crazy. We played two games and the builders and bulldozers won a game each. It really was a huff and puff session!!
How do you get exercise in other ways?


  1. Unfortunately I didn't get to do this fun activity because I was setting up assembly for the rest of the school.

  2. I did not get to do project energize but I would have loved it.I play with my dog and play on the trampoline every day.

  3. I really enjoyed it! My favourite game was catch the tail. I think I did really well in that game. All of our class is fit and healthy.

  4. It feels like I have huge muscles now.
