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Tuesday 24 April 2012

ANZAC Assembly

Remembering everyone who died in war was why we had an assembly today. We sung songs that were very old songs from the war. They were called Pack up your Troubles and A Long Way to Tipperary. Some people shared medals from their great grandparents and some people told stories. We rose the flag to half mast to remember the ones that died. We made some poppies in class and we will wear them to show respect on ANZAC Day which is tomorrow.
Our whole school at our special ANZAC Assembly.

A story about a grandparent.

Raising the flag to half mast.

ANZAC stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corp.

Do you have any stories, maybe to do with your relatives, that are about war?


  1. I don't have a story or someone who went to war but on ANZAC day I thought about all the people who went to war, and flighted for us to have a nice and calm environment.

  2. My Great Grandad was in WW2.He was awarded the Military Cross medal.It is awarded for bravery.His full name is Maxwell Bassett Trower also known in war as Captain Trower.This is the story why it was awarded to him.During a battle he saw where the German 88mm machine guns were assembled.He ran across the battle field to alert his NZ officers and call in an air strike.He was wounded in the course of doing so but still carried on with his mission and succeeded.This is how my Great Grandad Maxwell Basset Trower was awarded the Military Cross.

  3. I wasn't there but I bet it was great the pictures look really cool.

  4. I don't have a proper story but I do know that my great great grandfather Fred Oldfeild fought(he was on my dads side of family). On my mums side her grandfather was a war psychiatrist(a doctor for people's feelings because they would be terrified) and his brother flew one of the planes. how cool is that.

  5. I don't know any thing about my GG grandparents at war but I do know that it would of been terrifying.

  6. It must have been terrible I'm glad I wasn't there.
