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Thursday 5 April 2012

Grandparents Day!

This tower looked promising at the beginning
Today we had Grandparents day at our school. We invited our Grandparents to a special assembly where we showed them our singing and dancing talents. Then we took them back to our classroom and we did some fun activities with them! We had a quiz about Science and then we had a challenge! The challenge was to build the tallest tower made only from marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti. We made a lot of noise but had a lot of fun! We all really enjoyed having our grandparents at school!
This ended up being the winning tower! Well done!

Everyone worked together well on this tower!

This was a fantastic looking tower!
The Grandparents had a lot of fun making the towers as well as us!
There was a lot of excitement in this group! It kept on falling over!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yay my table had the tallest tower.I know me and my Nana had an awesome time working together on the uncooked spaghetti and marshmallow tower.We won by 1 cm.One team got 36cm and our team got 37cm.I loved showing my nan the dance that me and my friends did at Pumpkin Night.This was the best grand parents day ever and sadly my last.

  3. I had so much fun. Even though we lost by miles. I also had fun performing with the other Whanau leaders, and showing the Grandparents what our school is all about.

  4. I had so much fun my grand ma and poppa came in the comp we came 2nd.

  5. I had so mush fun even no i did no't have a grandparets it was still fun.

  6. It was so cool to have my granddad come. We had so much fun building a tower out of uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows. :)

  7. I was sooooooooo amazing on that day I had my best behavior on !!!!!!!!

    1. So did I. Don't want to get told of by the Granny's!
