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Friday 19 October 2012

Absolutely Amazing Ag Day!

Wet, wet animals is what we saw at the start of the day. Puddles splashed over our animals as they were unloaded, we were in for a rough start! Just after the competitions had started the sun came out from behind the clouds. Yay! As the animals started to dry out we all started to have a bit more fun!
We paraded our animals, and made all sorts of Horticultural creations like; decorating cupcakes/biscuits, making vegetable animals, constructing scarecrows and styled some gumboots!
From wet, wet, wet to lots of fun, we all had a great day.

What was your favourite part of Ag day?


  1. We started off being wet but as the sun came out it was great fun

  2. Today I had group day and I got a second in Rearing. I got to go into the champion area. It was fun and my lamb vanilla had a great time
    to. It was a very hot day and all the lambs, calves and kids were puffing all day. I loved going to Ag day because I love animals!
    Vanilla and I got a fourth in most obvious pet at Ag day. I have had a amazing time at Ag day and group day I love vanilla and I always will.:]

  3. It was a great day and I had lots of fun

  4. Why was it wet if it was sunny the whole time would of been a whole lot better.Still it was really fun, cant wait untill next years agday:):

  5. I had so much fun at ag day. Even though it was wet. Me and my lamb fern did really well even though we didn't get a ribbon. But at group day we got third in "Most Obvious Pet", (calling). It was such good weather on group day. Way better weather than ag day. But the bad weather at ag day didn't stop us from having fun!:)

  6. Ag day was fun and all but my favorite part was getting my highly commended for my owl cupcakes. :)

  7. My favourite part about Ag Day was that every one was looking at my chicken (Winter) in the caged pet section. Winter is a Chinese Silkie Chicken and has 2 brothers Crumpet and Afro. My chickens are special because I have never seen chickens like this before. My chickens have lots of hair on their heads like an afro. I didnt enjoy all the rain because I had to change 3 times.

  8. I liked creating my creations and seeing the other creations.

    I got 3rd in my gumboot and highly commended in my cute panda cup cake.

    What a great day!
