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Tuesday 26 June 2012

The Amazing Rosie

Farmtastic Rosie came to our school today to teach us about dairy farming. Becky, Rosie, Farmer Tom and Matt were working on the farm and had a few arguments but in the end they were all happy. We learnt some new words like cow pai to farmtastic. We found out that there are lots of nutrients in milk. We also learnt that cows have four stomachs! We really enjoyed Rosies visit to our school, some of us even got to have cuddles!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

The Tournament we have been waiting for all term!

Puff puff, we have been exhausted from training for our 7 aside tournament. We can't wait until Thursday next week because that is when we all get to put our skills to the test. We have been practising 4 different sports which are Soccer, Touch Rugby, Hockey and Netball. There will be lots of schools coming to Tamahere and we are looking forward to competing against them. We will be divided into teams that are mixed so we are all on an even playing field. The main aim is to have fun and enjoy our day! We will all try to be fair and enthusiastic.

Monday 18 June 2012

Cheerio Mrs Charleston!

Miro 13 is making the most of having Mrs Charleston around as next term she is sadly leaving us. She has been chosen to go around schools in Central North Island to assess other schools. Mrs Goodwin will be taking us for most of next term and Mr Preddy will be taking us for two weeks when Mrs Goodwin is in Rarotonga. We are really sad that Mrs Charleston is leaving but we are looking forward to having Mrs Goodwin. We hope Mrs Charleston will have a great time, we will miss her alot! Drip drip, those are our tears we cry as we wave goodbye.

Monday 11 June 2012

Swip, Swap!

On Friday afternoon, the teacher decided for us to swap desks. We had a little pot that had our names in it and when your name got pulled out you got to move to a desk of your choice. It was better than our last desk change, as last time it was a bit chaotic. We noticed that the boys had chosen to sit on one side and the girls on the other. To choose our group names, a group chose the topic of 'Mr Men and Little Miss..' Our desk names were; Mr Grumpy Redbull, Little Miss Charlestons, Little Miss Teacher Favourites, Little Mr Giggles, Mr Not-Get-Distracted.We are all really pleased with our new seating arrangement!

Friday 1 June 2012

Mahunga, Pakahiwi, Puku, Hope, Wae Wae!

Kia Ora, sit back on your chair, we will teach you Te Reo Maori. Yesterday we learnt the names of our body parts in Maori. Firstly, we talked about what we already know, like whanau means family, kai means food and that hangi is a feast cooked underground.