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Wednesday 20 June 2012

The Tournament we have been waiting for all term!

Puff puff, we have been exhausted from training for our 7 aside tournament. We can't wait until Thursday next week because that is when we all get to put our skills to the test. We have been practising 4 different sports which are Soccer, Touch Rugby, Hockey and Netball. There will be lots of schools coming to Tamahere and we are looking forward to competing against them. We will be divided into teams that are mixed so we are all on an even playing field. The main aim is to have fun and enjoy our day! We will all try to be fair and enthusiastic.


  1. I think the most fun sport we have trained for is NetBall and touch rugby. I can't wait untill the tournament. :)

  2. I can't wait until we play hockey because it is fun and complicated.

  3. I can't wait! This is going to be so fun! The favorite sport I've trained for is touch rugby and soccer.

  4. Im lookind forward to the hockey and the netball the most. Hockey because I play it and netball because it is super fun!!! Good luck to all of the people particapating in the 7 aside!!!

  5. OMG I can't stop smiling. I cannot wait till 7 aside it is going to be so much fun. I hope it isn't to wet to play like last year because this is my last year. Like I said I cannot wait. :0

  6. I am so excited the tournament is tomorrow. :0

  7. I'm scared and excited at the same time!

  8. It was an awesome day and I got the fair play award!!!

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